After downloading the MonsterAiKit Asset from the marketplace and add it to your project you will find the folder “MonsterAiKit”
In this folder you will find the main blueprint actor “Monster_NBC” drag and place it in your map:

Click on the actor you placed and go to It’s ‘Details’ window on the right, here where you can edit your monster parameter.
Start edit it and choose your monster mesh from “SkeletalMesh”.
Choose the Animation Blueprint, If you not have your own you can use “ABP_Monster” but make sure first that your character is re-targeted to it.

Now add a “Nav Mesh Bounds Volume” from “Place Actors” window:

Scale the NavMesh to include all areas the monster can visit, all the rendered green areas shows where the monster can move (Note: you can show/Hide the green points by toggling “P” Key)

Now press play and you will see the monster interacting with your player character.
Now you see the basic monster is working but for sure you need to design your own, So In the next section you will learn how to design the monster parameters to make your own custom monsters.