In the “MonsterAi_Kit” folder you will find a data asset file called “MonsterData”

this file holds all the monster settings you can edit the file or duplicate it.

After you open this file you can find all the settings categorized into three sections:

And each section has a set of parameters and here is in details:

InitialState: The state of the monster when there is no target precieved there is a three options:
Idle | Patrol | Wander around |
The monster will stand in a point and play Idle animation. | The monster will follow spline path. | The monster will pick random points in a specific radious and go to it. |
Idle Animations: The animation the monster will play when In Idle state , It’s an array the system will choose from them randomly.
WanderRadius: The radius the monster will wander around it, If wandering is Set as an initial state.
PatrolLooping: If True the monster will Loop the Patrol path after finishing it.
ReturnToSpawnPoint: If True the monster will return to spawn point after killing or investigation
PatrolDelay: The time monster will stop at each patrol point.
Flee: If True the monster will run away when reaches the Flee treshold.
FleeHealthTreshold: If “Flee” is True the monster will run away when the health reaches this float.
Reaction Animation: The animation the monster will play when find and see a target, It’s an array the system will choose from them randomly.
Hear Reaction Animation: The animation the monster will play when hear noise, It’s an array the system will choose from them randomly.
Searching Animation: The animation the monster will play when stops at a seaching point, It’s an array the system will choose from them randomly.
SearchRounds: How many rounds the monster will go to search for the player.
InvestigateDelay: The time monster will stop at each Investigation point.
SpeedVariables: Speed parameteres for all monster states.
Damage and Death

Health: Float number that represents the Monster Health.
DamageEffect: The FX particles that will appear at the point of damage.
Hit Animations: The animation the monster will play when getting hit, It’s an array the system will choose from them randomly.
RagDollDeath: If true the monster will ragdoll when die.
Dying Animations: The animation the monster will play when die , It’s an array the system will choose from them randomly.

Abilities: The attack abilities data set, the system will choose based on ability selector.
Reach distance: The max distance to the target the monster can approach.
AbilitySelector: The way the monster will select the attacking ability there is two by default to choose from(Random-ByDistance) and you can develop your own.