What’s new?
This update the monster kit is introducing a new features focusing mainly on making the toolkit more modular, more easier to use, and also fixing some bugs.
Ability System

A new feature to give more control on how the monster attack, movement speed while attacking, cooldown, and also when the monster should choose a specific ability.
Ability Selector

This new feature is making the monster choose the attacking ability by a specific function instead of just random you can create your own by making a new “Monster Ability Selector” object:

and then add your logic inside of it after overriding the “Run Ability Selector” function:

Monster Data Set

Now all parameters of the monster is includes in the Monster Data Asset file you can change the monster parameters inside:

so you can made a profile for each monster:

this will also make it easier to spawn monster:

Ranged Attack
Now the monster can throw a projectile and setup the ranged attack parameters.

Improved Sound
New event to play a multiplayer sound attached to the monster and moves with it instead of just play at location

Play Sound From animation

This allows you to play a sound at specific frame in the animation, you can use it for foot steps for example.
Custom Behavior

(Beta) You can create your own behavior object “MonsterCustomBehavior” and run it at any time.
Investigation Control

Having more control on investigation rounds.
State Switchers

New events to switch between states
Minor Features
- Clean up some blueprints to make it more organized
- Adding more state events
- Adding more parameters to monster data
Bug Fixed
- Fixed when some times monster didn’t investigate last seen locations.
- Fixed the monster hanging some times on flee state.
- Fixing the Flee state issues in multiplayer.
- Fixed the monster stuck after killing a player in multiplayer.
- Monster now investigating the source of sound not the player.